30 Second Mom – Mei Marcie: 5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby’s Delicate Skin

2) Don’t over-wash – See poop and think Baby is dirty? Yes, the poop needs to be wiped off, but avoid over-washing or over-showering Baby. Don’t use wet wipes on Baby’s face. 3) Never rub dry – Rubbing dry strips moisture, so pat dry instead. 4) Avoid harsh ingredients because Baby has sensitive skin. 5) Avoid too much sun – With less nuskincenter jakarta pigment cells, babies get sunburned easily.

Is the Office Making Your Skin Older? / SkinBetter

Sometimes when youre working intently at your computer, you dont realize that you contort your facial expressions to help your eyes focus and eliminate glare. Keeping your face frozen puts undeserved stress on the delicate tissue around the eyes and forehead. Over time, these fines lines turn into crows feet and those famous 11s between your eyebrows. To help avoid this, remember to relax your face and blink often. For glare, consider installing a screen protector on your computer to help avoid squinting 2. Take a break!


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